wasd - strafe

q + e - turn

mouse - point and click

hold rmb - free look

Entry for Dungeon Crawler Jam 2023 - went a little off script in that it isn't too much of a traditional dungeon crawler - more of a dungeon crawler with point and click mechanics, but I had a blast working on it and hope it can bring some joy to those who play it. Many late nights were had and this is my first time really trying to create a full story in a game format... the story itself focuses around the Jam theme of Duality and tackles this by showing the heart and mind as physical entities with their own personalities, wants and needs.
tested on google chrome - other browsers may have weird bugs 


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Seems busted or maybe the controls aren't explained enough. I have a key yet cannot open the bathroom or safe. I assume it must be the key to one of those two, but alas I can do nothing.

It's something I've had some feedback about, you're supposed to select the key and use it on the thing you're interacting with like an old school point and click. Next time round I'll spend more time with helping the player learn the systems

I'm well versed with old school point and click adventure games. The problem is as far as I can tell there was absolutely no way for me to "select the key" after obtaining it.

Click on the inventory slot with the key in it :)

There was no inventory slot. I'm sorry, but I don't think you're understanding what I'm trying to say. There was NO way to use the key i.e. a bug of some sort.